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Anal sex is a completely different kind of sexual roleplay from pussy and oral sex for several reasons. Those who enjoy ass fucking usually appreciate the intimate nature of it and the unique feeling of fullness that it affords the receiver. Some even find the feeling of having someone gently butting them does not compare to what they experience in the mouth. The asshole is a highly sensitive organ. People who like getting their butt rubbed sometimes just cannot get enough of it.

There are many advantages to anal sex over pussy sex. For one thing, the act of rubbing the inside of the ass instead of the twat. This can give a woman much more control over when she is able to have an orgasm. This makes ass fucking far more enjoyable. A woman can feel much more in control of when and how much she wants to go. The friction of rubbing two different body parts against each other. Always can be much more intense than if she was only able to have her vagina rubbed.

If you have never had ass fucking before, it may seem a little odd at first. But just like vaginal sex, butt-fucking can be very enjoyable. You just need to learn the basics of how to do it, and it is not nearly as nerve-wracking as you might think. And anal sex is also a lot less physically demanding than vaginal sex is. The two simply don’t make good sexual partners together.

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